February 27, 2022

Shannon Mt. (west side)

Word of the day: Waffle Sauce.
Because I couldn’t remember “maple syrup.” 😂🤣

These are the conversations that happen while hiking. LOL

February 21, 2022

Blueberry trail to Straightback

The Silent People

Reality sucks on those days when the fact that your life is screwed and going nowhere is blatantly proven for the hundredth time.  To be slapped with yet more reminders that literally everything big in your life is a dead end.  
But hiking trails are not.  Nature therapy is always there for you.  Maybe you can't go anywhere else, but you can at least go hiking.

February 12, 2022

February 02, 2022

Trask Swamp & land walk

2022 has not been off to a great start.  Snow and ice storms hindering travel.  Dangerously cold temperatures hindering even a walk at home.  And then I caught the plague...