June 09, 2024

Belknap Grid 96/144 - MKRQ

Mack overlook

Long overdue blog… but it's hard to find the time to write (between business, college, life, and of course hiking).  Plus not every hike is worthy of a full story, so a few pics and #hashtags is all it takes. 😉 I do keep up on instagram/facebook, which honestly is enough of a time suck too. 😂 But it is comparatively quick & easy.  You can always stay up to date on my hiking adventures there.  Meanwhile I keep the blog for bigger stories.

Hummingbird and I have continued to go hard at the Belknap Grid.  We currently have 5 months completed (not all consecutive), with several more half done, and are intending to grid out June!  If things go as planned (take notice weatherman!) we should be able to finish this month very efficiently AND include a girls' hike with my sister! 😊