August 27, 2023

Redline Wrap-up, Belknap Mt. & The Crash

And that's a wrap!  Hummingbird and I have officially hiked every trail in the Belknap Range, and qualified for the Redlining patch! 🏅 It was a relatively short finish hike, however it was definitely not quick…

August 23, 2023

Round Pond redlining loop

We are now one hike away from the Belknap redlining patch!  We’re super excited to finish.  This has been a long time coming.

August 22, 2023

10 Things I Hate About Camping

The summer season is wrapping up, and Hawk wanted to get in a camping trip this year.  Not backpacking, which I literally cannot do, but loading up the car and tenting at a campground.  It's been a while, between the pandemic and our busy schedules.  Which was entirely fine by me!  But I agreed to go.  The trip did not improve my opinion of camping.

August 05, 2023

Local Hiking Challenge - 7 Trails in 1 Day!

Well, this certainly would have been an epic hike #52 if I was officially doing the 52 Hike Challenge this year!  I've been keeping track, but not with the intention of getting another patch I already have.  At least just yet.  Maybe if I hit 104 hikes (52x2) before the calendar turns, I'll commemorate it…  Not sure I'll make it, but we'll see.  The real goal this year is just hiking when we can.

If you follow my blog, you also know that Hummingbird and I are very close to finishing the Belknap Redlining patch, so that's a definite 2023 goal.  We had every intention of doing our second to last trail loop this weekend, which I slated for a big productive day hike some time ago, when I learned Hawk was going to be away.  Funny how plans change…