December 28, 2022

A new discovery

This afternoon, Hummingbird and I finally explored the trail that continues past where we usually hike Avery Hill.  Gene from the conservation commission recommended it earlier in the year, and we've held it as a "unique" hike option for when we want something quick, easy, and local.  We didn't have super high expectations, but we were told it was pretty.  We kind of wish we'd gone sooner now.  We definitely will go again!

December 21, 2022

Almost Shannon…

So yeah, we just hiked over 8 miles and a thousand feet of elevation, and never even summited anything.  #UnintentionallyOverambitious

AKA, we walked all this way, and all we got was this one lousy picture.

Ok, it's not lousy at all.  But it's not a summit view. ;-)