On the drive over, glancing up at the suddenly hazy sky, I wasn't sure if we'd get much for a pretty sunset. But as I passed the viewpoint along Alton Mt. Rd. I was reminded that the sight of the lake and mountains would be worth the hike either way.
July 27, 2022
July 11, 2022
Nova Scotia waterfalls & trails
Canada has always been a bucket list trip for me. I've been across the border twice to QC for dog shows, but obviously there remains a lot more to see! This time I got to explore NS, which has always been near the top of my list.
July 10, 2022
Baddeck, Nova Scotia
8:55 PM |
9:07 PM |
The sun sets later in NS, and we had plenty of daylight left after driving from Halifax up to Cape Breton Island. After all that city time and traveling, I wanted to get out in some real nature while we could. The next day’s forecast was rain. So that evening I managed to talk Hawk into hitting a trail that was only a few minutes from the cottage we were staying at.
July 09, 2022
Ingonish, Nova Scotia
This was our first real day-long adventure on Cape Breton Island. Oh how I needed the nature therapy! We drove about an hour north from our lodging on the famous Cabot Trail, which is simply the main road that circles a large portion of the island, including the Highlands National Park. Unfortunately we did not have time to drive the entire loop as most people recommend. Besides already spending enough hours in the car and money on gas, there was hiking to do!
Cape Dauphin, Nova Scotia
To finish off our last day in NS, we saved what could be described as both the best and the worst of our hikes during our trip.